Monday, December 8, 2008
Chauncey DeVega's World of Ghetto Nerds: It is a Geek Renaissance--the Comic Book Series Fables to be Made Into a TV Series
What is going on in the world? It seems that the stars have aligned. In short order we have:
1. Batman: the Dark Knight may well receive an Oscar nomination;
2. World War Z is being made into a film--and the script is penned by J. Michael Straczynski;
3. the Wrestler to be released next week;
4. A bonified, unapologetic nerd who loves Conan and Spiderman as president-elect;
5. the New Caprica series has been green lighted by Sci-fi;
6. And now we have Fables, one of the greatest comics in recent memory being made into a tv series on ABC!
Who should play Bigsby wolf? Let the casting rumors begin...
What strange days we live in? What is next? Hmmmm.....maybe we can get a Walking Dead movie or tv series as well...then again maybe that is wishing for too much.
This is such a great announcement that it almost, notice I said almost, wipes the foul taste of what will be JJ Abrams's craptacular reimaging of Star Trek out of my mouth.
Ghetto nerds unite! Wonder Twin powers activate:
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